Our Programmes
Lux Terra Leadership Foundation is a multiple resource outfit and training facility whose purpose is to expose leaders and potential leaders to the dynamics of purposeful, visionary, transformative and inspiring servant leadership. Beneficiaries of our programmes are equipped and motivated with the necessary orientation, skills and tools, towards the effective management of people and resources and optimal realization of the objectives of their societies, organizations, agencies or religious groups. The offices of the Foundation are presently located in Abuja. However, activities are implemented all over Nigeria. Find below our various Programmes:
Healing and Counselling
Basic Course on Psycho-Trauma Healing For Professionals and Volunteers
- Concepts and Theories of Psycho-Trauma
- Epidemiology of Trauma Distribution in the Population
- Typologies of Trauma Stress, viz: --Interpersonal Trauma, War/Violent Conflicts, Natural Disasters, Accidents, etc.
- Collective, Inter-generational and Multi-generational Trauma, and Effects of Unhealed Trauma Stress.
- Trauma Awareness and The Neurobiology of Trauma
- Dynamics of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- The Paradox of Stress Resilience and Devastation
- Assessment and Diagnosis of Psycho-Trauma
- Managing Behavioural Emergencies and Psychological First Aid
- Trauma Counter Transference (Vicarious Trauma) and the Counsellor’s self-care
- The Place of Justice in Trauma Healing
- Ethics in Trauma Healing
- Mindfulness, Meditation and Compassion in Trauma Healing & Trauma Resilience
- RESILIENCE – A Bio-Psycho-Social and Spiritual Approach
- Breaking the Cycle of Violence with FORGIVENESS
- The Use of Art Forms in Trauma Healing
- Empathy and Compassion in Trauma Healing and Trauma Related Communication Skills (Introduction to Listening Techniques)
- Mobilising Psycho-Social Support and Referral Services for Trauma Healing
- The Role of Faith and Spirituality in Trauma Healing and Trauma Resilience
Leadership training for youth
- Enhancing Growth and Self Esteem
- Developing Healthy Eating Habits
- Caring for our Environment
- The Youth and Civic Responsibilty
- Youth Leadership Capacity Building
- Youth: Taking Responsibility for the Future
- Youth Driving and Car Crashes
- Managing Finances
- Interfaith Collaboration for Peace
Leadership Training for Religious Leaders
- Spirituality and Leadership
- Dynamics of Christian/Servant Leadership
- Religious Leaders and Social Responsibility
- Effective Management of Church Structures
- Effective Organisation of the Diocesan Curia
- Leading Young People Through Turbulent Times
- Growing an Engaged Church
- Collaborative Ministry: Bringing our Gifts to the Table
- Managing Human, Material and Financial Resources
- Coping with Life Transitions
Leadership training for Senior Managers & Executives
- Effective Communication Techniques
- Communication for Transformation
- Basic Financial Management
- Group Facilitation Techniques
- Policy Formulation and Strategy Design
- Team Building and Team Motivation
- Basic Counselling Skills for Leaders
- Group/Community Mobilisation Techniques
- Goal Setting/Vision and Mission Statements
- Authority Delegation and Priority Management
- Job Description and Job Evaluation
- The Mass Media and -Leadership Formation
- Competency-based Adult Learning Techniques
- Basic Conflict Management and Resolution Mechanisms
- Effective Administration and Management of Institutions
Business and Politics
For Corporate And Political Leaders
- The Burden of Leadership in the 21st Century
- The Dialectics of Power and Purpose
- Contemporary Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities
- The Dynamics of Servant Leadership
- Leadership and Integrity
- Leadership as Mentoring
- Governance and Participation
- Communication for Change
- The Common Good Imperative in Leadership
- The Dynamics of Intrapreneurial Leadership
- Implementation Enhancement Strategies
- Corporate and Individual -Relationship Building